Year 3 and Year 4

The Year 3 and 4 classes are Hawthorn, Hornbeam and Dogwood.

The children are taught in mixed age classes.

The adults working in Year 3 and 4 are:

YEAR 3 and YEAR 4 - Mixed Classes
Hawthorn Class Teachers Hornbeam Class Teachers

Mrs Gough - Monday to Thursday

Mrs Weeks - Hornbeam Thursday and Hawthorn  Friday

Mrs Campbell

Dogwood Class Teacher

Mrs McGill

Year 3 and Year 4 Teaching Partners
Miss Goddard Mrs Good Mrs Horga
Mrs Shafiq Miss  Morgan Mr Ouardi
  Mrs Layhe  

The children in Year 3 have PE on a Thursday, and so need to come to school wearing their PE kit on that day.   However, during the sencond half of the Spring Term, the children in Year 3 will be enjoying their Forest School sessions on Wednesdays instead of PE - please make sure that they come to school wearing long sleeves and trousers and waterproofs and wellies, thank you.

Swimming for Year 3 will take place every day on the week beginning 29th January so will need to bring their swimming kit each day that week.

Take a look at the termly pages for more information about what the children have been learning.

Last updated 6th October 2023.